Saturday, May 15, 2021

Morals of Social Personality


Personality Development 

We all must give forethought to which we communicate with or associate with. Morality lays down the code of ethnics and conduct that we must all uphold. The code of conducts helps us to uphold our manner and the way we behave in society. From the start, we are all taught manners by our parents and teachers, which guide us to behave in a well-mannered way in the future. 

The problem is we all go through a series of experiences while growing up. Moreover, we all hear what is right and wrong by our directors in life, which causes us to become confused when we start to grow up. This is because every day is a learning process. This means that half of what you learn in school is true while the other half is currently under study for more evidence. This is why we have so many developed changes taking place in our school system. 


We all have followed traditions. Your parents for example may have taught you to avoid eating meats. Whether they are right or wrong, it is a tradition you likely conformed to. This is part of life, but it still robs us. How, because when we take on someone else’s beliefs and follow their traditions we are not developing our own identity. Instead, we are becoming followers in someone else’s shoes. 

All of the changes that occur in our life cause us to feel many things. We have felt anger, hate, resentment, sorrow, pain and other sufferings directly from our experiences, knowledge, and what influences has put on our plate. There has long debate about how to control anger but such discussions have still not reaped healthy outcomes as fury and rage are still common human attributes, which require great self-restrain. It is hard to achieve. But it is another fact of life, which we all must deal with. 

The hidden self plays a significant role in controlling fits of anger. Self-control most prominently concerns awakening the self. Your self should be awakened to your thoughts and actions. If it is awake, you stay alert to emotions that cause you frustration. 


The only way to achieve this task however is to explore the subliminal mind, since in this compartment of the mind is answers to your questions. This area of the mind houses apperceptions, which it uses from our experiences, knowledge and so on. It is the way the mind comprehends past experiences and uses them or assimilates them to develop new ideas in relation to past perceptions or experiences. You see then that influences take a toll on our mind, which we must move in to terminate any doubts, fears, and other negative feelings that develop. Subliminal learning then is the way to social and personality development. 

How do I learn from the subliminal mind

Through meditation, you can learn from the subliminal mind. You should practice meditation daily so that your mind is refreshed. It will give you strength of mind to look inward at the self and discover what is going on inside of you. The more you discover, the easier it will become to take control of your life. Moreover, it will become easier to work through the processes of social and personality development. Self-healing is another form of natural development that you might want to consider. It is compliant the body to respond in a certain way based on the commands of our mind. It is yielding of the body to respond in a precise way based on the commands of the mind. In summary, the mind and body has to work in harmony in order for you to manipulate through the process of social and personality development. 

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